My enty in Avid's :30 Spot Contest

The lockback folder knife in "The Edge"


If you saw the film, “The Edge” with Anthony Hopkins and Alec Baldwin, you will remember the knife that “Charles Morse” (Hopkins) used. I originally saw the film in its theatrical release but recently saw it again on DVD. I still was curious as to how the knife, which was used constantly, kept so sharp. A few Google clicks later I found what I was looking was no ordinary knife. It is a custom design by Brian Lyttle, who is a master bladesmith. Here is the link to his website which has interesting info on the creation of his blades, how he got the gig to make the custom folder, cool pics with Hopkins and, how he became an extra in the film.

Another bit of trivia, the film was set in Alaska, but was shot in Alberta, Canada.


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