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April 2007

Arthroscopic Surgery


On April 25, 2007 I went in for arthroscopic surgery on my left knee. I had lateral and medial meniscus tears. Being petrified of general anesthesia, I opted for a spinal and intravenous sedation. I was told I would be in twilight, ha, I was out, didn’t remember a thing and woke up in recovery after it was all over…and still puked.

The worst discomfort was the day after. Today I made it up to the third floor to take a shower and tomorrow I have my first physical therapy session…ahh, can’t wait till some young physical therapist bends my knee more than I want.

Right now, an ice pack is my best friend. The 3 holes in my knee from the surgery and the swelling make it look like a nice purple/red bowling ball. I was going to attach a picture but it really looks nasty.

Do Blondes Have More Fun?


Well, do they?

I have come to the conclusion that perhaps they do. My hair color is a medium brown. About 6 months ago those few grey hairs that appeared on my head started to multiply and that was totally unacceptable. It was horrifying enough when a stray grey mutant popped up but when they started massing in groups something had to be done. Judi, my hairdresser had the answer…highlights!

It is amusing to sit back and have someone smear stuff on parts of your locks then wrap them up in aluminum foil, cook, rinse, and voila…highlights that remove grey demons from hair. My introduction into the world of highlights began last June. Judi didn’t want me to freak out with a huge change, so the highlights were a lighter brown than my hair color. No one noticed. As the months passed Judi made the highlights a little lighter and a few friends and colleagues commented.

Last month I wanted to be daring so I told Judi make those highlights really blonde, which brings me to my discovery that blondes definitely get attention. I have worked at the Network for almost 20 years. The guys I work with never said a word about my hair. I walk in with blonde highlights and I get compliments from even the most annoying curmudgeon. I find this flattering, then amusing, and finally, as Mr. Spock would say, “fascinating”. I’m hoping that this whole being blonde thing doesn’t go to my head.