May 03, 2007
Today was my post-op follow-up visit with the orthopedist. The stitches came out and now there are 3 dragonflies on my knee…sure beats looking like a bowling ball. The swelling has decreased by around 80% and there is still some bruising. At the first visit to the PT last Saturday, my knee had a range of motion of 98 degrees, yesterday it was up to 125 degrees. The PT informed me that it should go to 140 degrees, now with the stitches out I can bend without that pulling on stitches feeling.
My surgeon’s assistant took out the stitches and while I was chatting with him I told him that I was disappointed that I slept through the whole thing. He started laughing, I was surprised to be informed that I chatted through the whole procedure and was wide awake. (My family and friends aren’t surprised, they said I can’t even shut up when sedated!) Huh? I don’t remember a thing! I remember getting the IV sedation and then sitting up for the spinal but that is it, the next thing I remember was waking up in recovery. He also said that the drug cocktail they gave me causes this type of amnesia. Fine, now I feel like I was in an episode of “24” and experienced a CTU interrogation drug kit!
Anyway, the X-Rays show that I have plenty of cartilage left between the bones. The doc showed me probe pics of my knee prior to and after the procedure. The torn cartilages were attaching themselves to the tibia and were lasered off! YIKES! No wonder I was uncomfortable! Got a clean bill of knee health and I’m able to resume my “normal” activities. I will continue with low impact cardiac exercise like elliptical training, biking and walking to keep the remaining cartilage healthy.
Hopefully this is the only surgery I will ever need! This healthy eating and exercise thing is going to have to continue indefinitely…like forever…UGH…gym dues are better than doctor bills.