Rufous Hummingbird
iSpy in the iSkye

iPhone Crybabies

We_need_to_talkYeah, so, Apple dropped the price of the iPhone 200 bucks. It is now $399 for the 8G instead of the $599 I paid 6 weeks ago. Everyone keeps asking me, “are you pissed?” I reply, “No”. Why? Well you see, I’m an Apple aficionado and used to this. It happens all the time with the newest and greatest from the geniuses at Apple in Cupertino. Apple devotees do not wait for the price to come down so they can acquire new gear with the unclean masses. We embrace the thrill of Immediately obtaining technological nirvana with others who are enlightened.

I would like to thank all of the people who cried like babies and complained so loud that Steve Jobs decided to hand out the Apple Store $100 Early Owner Credit. Here is the link if you want to read the letter.

I just spent $69 of it on my iPhone AppleCare Protection Plan which extends repair coverage to 2 years from the purchase date. The chances of dropping and totaling the iPhone are too great not to have this! The rest went to iWork 08, been wanting that Apple software!


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