"Life" One Take
The Golden Globes Press Conference

Happy 70th Sir Tony

Back in January when I heard that Anthony Hopkins would celebrate his 70th birthday on December 31, 2007, I had an idea. I wanted to edit a video/music montage of his films and photographs to celebrate his over 40 year film career and life. Of course, I had all year to do this, but, inevitably, I waited until the last minute to do it. I don't know, there is something about crashing a project to air that thrills me. Must be my 23 years in broadcast television.
Happy 70th Birthday Sir Tony.

A bit of trivia about the project:

It took 3 weeks to edit, mostly between the hours of 2AM - 7AM...when, for some reason my creative flow runs wild.

There are clips from 26 films which I ripped from the DVD’s (which I own), please don’t tell the FBI.

There are 72 photographs which I culled down from the thousands I found while surfing the net. A big thanks goes to WireImage and Corbis for their amazing collections, you should check them out. Hopefully, with that advertising plug, they won’t call the FBI either.

Any other photographs I used, please accept my thanks for taking such an amazing image that I had to include it on this project.

I listen to music on my iPhone while commuting to work and was twisting my brain trying to figure what tune to use for the project. Finally, a few months ago, it came to me, the song I would use, “Speed Of Sound” by Coldplay, it had the perfect mood and lyrics to go with the film clips and photographs. I had the rough cut in my head before I ever started editing the piece.

For the techno-nerds, all the media and renders needed to complete this project filled up my LaCie 1TB harddrive.



Very cool video! Nice job.

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