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October 2008

Mac Tat

ISplash tat -cu My latest body art addition.  Crazy?  Not least not for me. 
I admired this new Apple logo called the splash from their nano-chromatic campaign, what I really like is that it looks like art, not a logo.

It was perfect for me.

Tina Fey as Sarah Palin on SNL

I haven't watched Saturday Night Live since the original not ready for primetime players.  I used to stand in line late Friday night into Saturday morning at NBC with my friend Priscilla to get standby tickets.  We always got the dress rehersal instead of the live show standby tickets since you had a better chance of being in the audience.  Most of the time we didn't get in, but once in awhile we would.  If we were lucky enough to get into the dress rehersal, once it was over, there was just enough time to get on the LIRR and get home to watch the live show...remember, VCR's weren't mainstream yet.  Anyway, I digress...SNL lost its charm for me a long time ago, but Tina Fey's genius has rekindled my love of the SNL universe.  Tina'a parody of Sarah Palin is brilliant and right on.  When I see Sarah Palin on TV, all I can think is OMG, is that Tina Fey again?  This past Saturday was SNL's version of the Vice Presidential Debates... Here are the other SNL "Political Reports" SNL - Presidential Debate SNL - Katie Couric interviews Gov. Palin And my personal favorite... SNL - Gov. Palin and Senator Clinton address the nation