Real Life or Second Life?

iPhone VS BMW

In case you ever iPhone isn't going to survive being run over by a BMW.

Yesterday, I realized that my iPhone wasn't with me after an appointment.  I quickly drove back to the parking lot and found it, wedged under a tire.  After a short quest to find the owner of the car, the iPhone was free...and totalled.  It wasn't crushed or had cracks in the screen, but the LCD screen was destroyed.  The phone worked, I just couldn't access anything because the screen was so garbled. 

You know that iPhone extended warranty?... doesn't cover getting run over by BMW's.  So, 2 choices... new iPhone $400 because it is a year away till the end of my contract and discounted iPhone, or $200 for a replacement 3G.  I opted for the $200 hit. 



I don't suppose it's a consolation that today I'm off to buy Louis an ipod touch! He loves scrolling through the photos on my iphone (a lot of which are now of diggers and trucks!) and we've installed loads of games and a program that says "I want" and he then picks a picture of what he wants!
I hope your new iphone lasts a bit longer than the squished one :-)

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