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March 2010

2010 academy awards...

My Best Film Oscar Nominations viewing...

Avatar... saw it...
The Blind Side... don't need to see the film, the trailer tells the whole story...
District 9... saw it...
An Education... don't know anything, not interested in finding out
The Hurt Locker... watch the news instead, oh, I don't watch the news...
Inglourious Basterds... umm... no
Precious... absolutely not...
A Serious Man... saw the clip last night... um, no thanks
Up... saw it...
Up In The Air... saw the trailers, I don't care if they end up together or not... don't need to find out...

So the 3 that I did see, I enjoyed... these days, sometimes, just enjoying the film is enough... sit in the dark and escape into celluloid induced fantasy for a few hours...