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April 2011

got radiation?


So, they are finding traces of radiation in milk here in the US...  This is no surprise, it was just a matter of time...  scary how quickly the radiation released from Fukushima  7,000 miles away has affected the environment here.  The EPA and the FDA are saying "don't worry" the levels of radioactive Iodine-131 were 5,000 times below the FDA's level of concern, and even more not to worry about, it has a half-life of eight days... OK, all I can say is "YIKES"!

OK, I'm not a nuclear scientist, physicist, or doctor, but gee, there wasn't any of this stuff in the milk BEFORE the Fukushima accident, I would like my glass of milk to have none of it NOW.  As far as I'm concerned, any trace isn't good.  And well, we aren't even talking about rainfall, snowfall, air quality, etc...  These "trace" amounts that are nothing to worry about are probably in many places in the US now...  right?... after all, I don't think radioactive Iodine-131 is just falling on grass where cows are grazing...  This stuff is not just here, but will be all over our planet, yes, OUR planet, it belongs to all of us, and we should be taking better care of it.  We are all connected, the sooner we all start accepting and living that, the better. 

And yes, there is Trader Joe's Organic Milk and Half & Half in my fridge... am I afraid of drinking it?  Sure, will I... yes... why?... Because, I have known for most of my life that all the stuff I drink and eat is contaminated in some way that is not natural, and well, so is the air I'm breathing in and out...  It is something we all live with, these environmental catastrophes bring them to our awareness for awhile, and then they leave our consciousness until the next time... in the meantime... this stuff is accumulating inside us...