I don't know much about my family tree... my parents fled Cuba right before I was born. I didn't have extended family around me as they were in Cuba. I've always been interested in where did I come from? Yeah, my parents are Cuban, but other than knowing that Dad's side of the family is from Spain, I know nothing. I've been curious, for a long time.
Well, I finally decided, time to find out! My 23andMe kit arrived today. Tomorrow I spit into the tube and send it out. In a few weeks, I'll get a report. Cool.
Interested for yourself... check it out 23andme
I had to register and I had no idea how many screens one has to read to get to agree to do this. A bit daunting. Especially the health stuff... And well, now my genetic information will be on some database and my vivid imagination after years of sci-fi movie and tv watching had my mind running wild for a bit.
Decided to go for it...
Looking forward to finding out the story about my DNA...
Stay tuned!