where did i come from?
the handmaid's tale

wet umbrella resting

It’s pouring, it’s grey, it’s Tuesday, I arrive at the bus shelter and there is a group of fellow commuters waiting... but wait, did I miss something?  Is there now priority seating for wet umbrellas?... because, gee, why should one have to hold such a wet and yucky thing until the bus arrives.  I’m sure someone who needs to sit would be hard pressed to ask a wet umbrella that they really need to sit, and then there is the weighing of whether such an argument is worth it as a wet behind is a miserable trade off to achieve priority seating.

That person who really needs to sit might as well as have a chat with an inanimate object as a conversation with the owner of the umbrella is risky... after all, who the heck would put a wet umbrella on a seat?... 

I took the photo, and the owner of the umbrella saw me, didn’t say or do anything... I’m worn down from sad news that a fellow colleague at work suddenly lost their 8 year old son.  A wet umbrella on a seat was trivial at the moment, yet, I know that if someone standing there needed to sit, I would have provided negative specific feedback to umbrella owner and I had napkins to dry the seat off.

Folks, we all do things that affect others, let’s be mindful and think of others.  #compassion will save the world.






Yes. This. Me too. xo

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